Local associations sell a variety of goods and services, 包括会员, 教育课程, 事件注册, 和产品. Be aware that local associations may not impose a fee on a buyer who uses a credit card, 借记卡, or stored value card instead of cash or check for payment. This does not prohibit local associations, 然而, from discounting the regular retail price of an item for buyers who pay cash.
当你令一间商号的经纪人失效时,你会否令该办事处及所有持牌人失效? Even those salespersons who have already paid current year dues?
是的, if the principal broker (DR) of a firm is terminated, 办公室和所有与DR相关的被许可人都应被终止——即使是已经支付了当前费用的被许可人.
是的, 被许可人可以由公司执照(发起人执照)或经纪人执照(负责人执照)担保。.
No, 一个有效的UL应该放在”中,成员类型等于非成员,子类等于SP.
协会有责任收集DR对第一季度和第二季度ULs的评估. If the DR does not pay the assessment, or the UL does not join as a REALTOR®, and the UL remains active in TREC with the same broker, the board will be billed for the UL by TAR. The board should terminate the DR, 所有探员到办公室集合, and the office to avoid receiving an invoice.
What are the recommended steps to resolving a UL?
根据德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®会员工作组推荐的政策,并经执行委员会批准, the following steps should be taken to resolve an unreported licensee:
- Check agent’s information with TREC.
- If agent is no longer active with TREC, make notation on list.
- If agent is still active but with another broker, make notation on list.
- If agent is connected to a LFRO, make notation on list and submit the required LFRO Certification to TAR. This certification form can be found on TexasRealestate.AE资源旗下的com.
- 致电您的Texas REALTORS®会员协调员800-873-9155,通知协会哪些记录需要更正.
- If agent is still active and with a member broker, contact the member broker to invite the agent to join, 或向不希望加入的代理收取赞助经纪人的评估, 或允许担保经纪人能够退还代理执照,以便TREC反映收到UL清单后的60天.
- 向”添加代理或重新激活”中的成员,并更新成员类和本地连接日期, 如果适用的话.
Refer to Article X, Section 4 of NAR’s model bylaws. 30天后, suspend member at the discretion of the board of directors; 60 days, terminate the member at the discretion of the board of directors; and 90 days, automatic termination of membership, unless previously terminated by directors.
No. 德克萨斯州会员工作组制定了一项政策,规定每月收取的会费应在下个月的10日之前缴纳给TAR.
是的, 此分类赋予申请人在完成当地会员要求之前成为REALTOR®会员的权利. (Note: “P” is proper member status.)
No, 它们必须在拥有另一个协会的次要成员资格之前,先拥有一个协会的主要成员资格. 它们可以在任何协会中持有二级会员资格,而其代理在该协会中不持有会员资格.
How do you verify primary membership?
在会员申请中,被许可人会被问及他们是否拥有其他协会的会员资格. This should prompt you to contact the other association and verify this information. 让AE给你寄一封信誉良好的信,让那个成员放进他们的档案里. Always check on ” to see if they are in the system; this also avoids issuing a licensee another ” #.
No. 在被许可人被认为是当地协会的主要成员之前,当地协会必须有一个DR作为公司的主要或次要成员.
Should you contact the secondary association when you terminate primary membership?
是的. 如果终止, the licensee no longer holds primary membership in a local association and, 因此, cannot retain secondary membership in another association. 但是,如果主成员不活动,”会自动停用辅助记录.
Can an active member hold two classes of membership (REALTOR® and affiliate)?
If an active licensee holds REALTOR® membership, he can also have affiliate membership. He must join at the highest class (REALTOR®), and dues must paid again as the affiliate company is the member.
我们是否应该回复另一个协会的请求,询问您的会员申请加入他们协会的状态/地位? 应该用什么方法?
是的, 重要的是要及时回复其他协会,并向协会发送信誉良好的信函.
Texas REALTORS®要求5美元的IMPAC和5美元的LEGAL FUND, NAR要求35美元的IMAGE费. Local association policies may require dues/fees be paid, and further membership requirements (orientation, application) should be completed.
Should the spelling of the office name be standardized as proposed by NAR (i.e., C-21, Coldwell Banker, RE/MAX)?
Everyone was in agreement that NAR should standardize spelling of office names.
当发生影响您协会的具体变化时,您是否应通知Texas REALTORS®? (For example, staff changes, area codes, etc.)
是的, contact TAR and remember to make necessary changes in ”.
Should you include the TREC license number on ”? What is the format of a TREC license number?
是的, include the TREC license number in the member records on ”. TREC license number should be seven digits beginning with zero, “0.任何不包含7位数字(或多或少)的许可证号码都将生成UL语句. (Note: TREClicense numbers are required in ”.)
你应该用大写字母吗, 正常情况(或混合情况), or all lowercase when entering information into ”?
”接受所有个案. 然而, TAR只使用正确的大小写,所以在输入新记录或修改现有记录时请使用正确的大小写.
Should you reconcile your membership roster against ” at least once quarterly?
It’s recommended that you reconcile at least once a quarter. After uploading the information to ” and receiving verification from ”, 从”下载, 比较文件, and reconcile any discrepancies.
Should you reconcile your error reports from ”?
Do you reconcile your error reports from TAR?
是的. 在3月31日前,停用所有未缴费的安全服务供应商,并减少办公室记录中的数量,以避免为这些持牌人分摊费用.